Cliff faces and walls for indoor climbing


In the Pontedilegno-Tonale Ski Area it is possible to do climbing all year round.
Between the Trentino towns of Vermiglio and Ponte di Legno there are natural cliffs for all levels of experience where you can challenge yourself surrounded by marvellous mountain scenery.
To stay trained even in the winter or pass the time when it’s raining it is possible to spend a few hours of fun with friends in a specially equipped gym with artificial climbing walls. 

Climbing in Pontedilegno-Tonale
  • 4 cliff face climbing gyms
  • 2 indoor rock gyms
  • Climbs for beginners and experts
  • Possibility to climb in bad weather

Rock gyms, climbing surrounded by nature

Climbing on bare rock is always exciting. The mountains in our area provide climbing enthusiasts with lots of opportunities to climb walls for all levels of experience from 1 to 9 +.

In addition to the technical fun many rock gyms are surrounded by unforgettable scenery and require minimum training and preparation, just enough to warm your muscles up!

Palestra Monticelli

In Passo Tonale Palestra Monticelli has 40 walls with a maximum height of 120 m; here the difficulty is between 4 b and 8 a. To reach the rock wall it is necessary to leave your car just before Passo Tonale and follow the SAT 281 trail

Palestra Paradiso

As the name suggests Palestra Paradiso is located in Passo Paradiso, along the slopes of the Presena Glacier. Here climbing fans can enjoy 10 walls with a difficulty of between 4 a and 6 b with a maximum height of 33 metres surrounded by nature; the breath-taking scenery at an altitude of 2,600 is really unique. The cliff face can be reached from Passo Tonale or by using the cable car.

Natural cliff faces in Vermiglio

Just above the Trentino town of Vermiglio it is possible to have fun on the walls in two natural rock gyms Palestra Centrale and Palestra Stavel.

The Palestra Centrale cliff face is equipped with 5 walls, 3 of which with 2 pitches with a difficulty that varies from 5 a and 6 b; the maximum height of the walls is 37 m.

Palestra Stavel on the other hand has 7 walls of different heights from between 6 and 13 m. There’s space for everyone, even children and beginners: the walls have a difficulty level of between 3 a to 6 a.

Indoor climbing walls, climbing under cover

In the Pontedilegno-Tonale Ski Area you can climb even when it’s raining outside… Or snowing!
There are 2 equipped gyms with artificial rock walls: with handholds, towers, peaks and boulder areas where you can have fun, spend time with friends and keep yourself fit in preparation for the summer season.

Pontedilegno Climbing

In the multi-purpose gym at the Centro Formativo Provinciale "Giuseppe Zanardelli” in Ponte di Legno there are artificial climbing walls, one indoor and one outdoor. Different types of routes and levels of difficulty will ensure hours of good clean fun for both beginners and experts.


Pontedilegno Climbing

Via F.lli Calvi, 42
Tel. 0364 900302

Climbing wall in Edolo

In the town of Edolo, at the public swimming pool you can climb on an indoor artificial wall and choose from the different routes of varying levels of difficulty. 


Climbing Wall  c/o Public Swimming Pool

Via Morino 30
25048 Edolo , BS
Tel. 036472123


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