Hotel Veduta dell'Adamello

The Hotel Veduta dell’Adamello is placed in an enchanting position inside the wonderful Adamello park.
The happy location beauty to be raised enthusiasm who wishes offers infinite possibilities of relaxation, sporting opportunities and entertainment for a full holiday in an environment of such a quiet, at the sign the relaxation and the cake living room make nothing.


Codice CIR   017184-ALB-00006

Facilities and amenities
Facilities and amenities
Ascensore Elevator
Wi-Fi gratuito Free Wi-Fi
Parcheggio Parking
Animali ammessi (solo di piccola taglia) Only small pets allowed
Deposito sci e scarponi riscaldato Heated ski equipment room
Ristorante Restaurant
Room/apartment amenities
Asciugacapelli Hair dryer
Cassetta di sicurezza Safe
Accesso Wi-Fi in camera/appartamento Wi-Fi and/or internet access in room/apartment
Sauna Sauna
Trattamenti estetici e/o massaggi Beauty treatments and/or massage
Estiva Open only in summer
Invernale Open only in winter
We speak
Inglese English
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